The following is a story I have been making up as I go along inside this tiny, little marble notebook... I've done most of it in bars, coffee shops and while I'm at work (shhh...don't tell). I apologize if it doesn't make too much sense... I'm trying not to put too much thought in to it, or plan more than one page ahead. I am curious how it will end...

I will continue to update this as pages are completed and scanned. Stay tuned for more.

(I also apologize for all the bleeding... the pens I've been using are a bit too much for the thin notebook paper.)



*note: I would like to give a special thanks to Mr. C. Heid and his dazzling editorial eye for pointing out that I spelled brief wrong... a thousand apologies to you, the readers.


(p.s. No actual snakes were gored to death in the making of this drawing.)


*note: In page 22 I originally had the character saying "what the f-ck?" but I edited it on the computer out of fear of offending anyone. So if you prefer that line, just pretend that's what he's saying instead. Ok? Super, thanks.






*note: The actual portrait was recovered almost 33 years later, found in a box of miscellaneous junk at a yard sale in a small town somewhere somewhat far away. It's currently hanging on a wall, occasionally getting looked at by the occasional passerby.



